Mi hai fatto ridere! Brava.
message from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
Mi hai fatto ridere! Brava.
message from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
Ho letto la lettera dalla societa. La risposta di loro mi fa credere che loro non s'interessono di questa nuova luce. Per questo motivo, sono disposto a pensare che non sei dei 'governanti" in Italia, anzi, forse sei solamente un fratello normale, dicendo "palle" sull'Internet.
Facci vedere qualche prove, per lo meno, spiegati piu profondo. Quando trasmetti in quel modo, fai spaventare, fai eccitare e' fai anche paura a certi piu deboli. Quindi, abbiamo diritti di spiegazioni. D'accordo?
message from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
Caro Enrico:
Non so dove iniziare queste indagini sulla nuova luce che stai trasmettendo qui, pero voglio capire in mode migliore prima di rispondere con altre domande.
Per esempio, ho capito che stai dicendo che la nuova "luce" dice che ci sara' un'altro sistemo all'opposto di questo presente, e vero?
Si, e vero, come hai fatto saperlo? E cosa che gli'unti solamente possono sapere? Spiegati meglio.
Grazie, al piu' presto!
it was recently pointed out in another thread, the business mode of certain organizations to persuade people who have accrued a substantial estate to turn their holdings over to the organization in return for which the organization agrees to support them with a certain agreed income for the remainder of their life.
the advantage for the organization comes with investing the money in stock or bond funds for an anticipated higher return than they expect to pay to the invester/doner, as well as getting the whole thing after the investor dies without any inheritance penalty.
(is this a fair statement of the issue?).
WOW! Excellent post Ros! I am so angry, I am absolutely without speech...
i can't believe it's all a sham!
remember before i was baptized, i wondered onto a hostile site and felt a sickening dread, when i confronted the sister who studied with me she reassured me that i shouldn't worry, all the stuff on those sites are written by bitter outcasts who have nothing constructive to offer, "after all", she said, ""did you ever read anything upbuilding there?
" well, here i am baptized, back on the net 4 years later and wham!!
Hey Decided:
Your question concerning alternatives to life in the WTBS is valid and a common symptom of a similar type of separation anxiety experienced by many humans involved in manipulative and abusive relationships.
To answer your question briefly, while there are hundreds of "replacements" to the WTBS that you could associate yourself with, it is not the same as an "alternative". Think about these questions:
How do you regain the satisfaction of what you felt was a "clean conscience" with God?
How do you enjoy companionship, fellowship and agape with trusted associates?
How can you quell the urges of guilt, and cease finding "pre-fabricated faults" within yourself?
How can you possibly live with any measure of "normalcy" again?
The answer is inside of YOU! No human or organization will ever be able to create the tranquility and comfort you desparately need! It is not possible to externally generate internal love of self for another human. You must pass through the experiences that will develop that love on your own.
Once you realize that spirituality is a deeply personal experience, whether natual, emotional or religious, it is your own private place which you must visit often, to find solstace.
You will learn that placing humans, organizations, and other fleshly obstacles between yourself, your spirituality and Almight God Jehovah and Jesus will continue to do you long-term harm.
You must think, and grow on your own, from the inside. This is your journey. I believe you have already taken the first few steps.
I wish you love, peace, happiness and satisfaction of spirit and life. Agape!
i have been lurking for a few months now.
the only reason that i have not posted until now is because of the paranoia that comes with being raised a jw.
my current status in the congregation is irregular, reaching out for the office of inactive.
I meant welcome to the our free and open board!!!!!!!!!
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
I enjoyed the joust and enjoyed your replies! You are entertaining indeed!
About the personal info, no big deal. Truth is truth and fear is an improper use of the imagination. Given my field of expertise, I know my information is safe, especially since my name is unknown. Only my details are know, which are shared by millions (military service, education, etc..)
Now the question is...can you and I get along? I hope so!
i have been lurking for a few months now.
the only reason that i have not posted until now is because of the paranoia that comes with being raised a jw.
my current status in the congregation is irregular, reaching out for the office of inactive.
Thx Max!
forgive me if any of the following questions are too fundamental, i am curious how the illuminati would respond:.
1. if an individual provides personal dna and finances a personal clone, are both humans legally related?.
2. once cloned, are there any legal entitlements to the clone's wages, profits, inventions, etc?.
I meant laboratory engineered clones of existing humans.
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
I am puzzled. I believe you referenced the number of posts I had submitted in one of your earlier statements. I think you introduced numbers and equations into the discussion.
Granted, you disagree with my definitive statements, OK. I always consider disagreement a second chance to scrutinize my thoughts.
Opinions can become opportunities.
Onto backgrounds, if it helps, I hold a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Roger Williams University, a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Pomona College. I am a technology manager with the US Federal Courts. I hold certifications from CISCO, Novell, 3COM and of course Microshaft (the WTBS of the digital world).
I was born in Catania Sicily and emigrated to the US at the age of ten. I speak, read, write FLUENTLY in spanish and italian. I was a JW for 10 years and former regular auxiliary pioneer.
I served in the US Marine Corps for five years active duty, and was wounded in Grenada. I served in Beirut and Cairo Egypt during operation bright star in 1985.
My study conductor is an intimate friend of RF and we still meet together on occasion. I have read all of the russell trash, the rutherford trash, and have not been current since the Proclaimer's book was released. I am currently inactive.
I hope that's enough background info for you to make a reasonable determination that I am not a troll or some fool-on-the-loose with a computer and lot's of time.
Now, let's make peace, and agree to disagree. You post alot of good material and I enjoy reading it. So, keep the knowledge going!